BBC made a series that was aired this autumn called "The Wonders of the Universe", starring professor in cosmology Brian Cox. It explains in four episodes how our life is so connected to the birth and life of the universe. The visual effects in these series is so breathtakingly beautiful that I just had to look up who made it. They are called Burrell Durrant Hifle and specialises in visual effects for television. You have guaranteed seen their work, such as in "Planet Earth", "Frozen Planet", "Inside the Human Body" plus many other amazing series. Anyway.. this little movie is a collection of, I believe, all the animations made for the series. We see how stars are born at the beginning of our universe, our sun, other suns, galaxies, nebulaes, planets, neutron stars, and so on. Enjoy!

A Cosmological Fantasia from BDH - Burrell Durrant Hifle on Vimeo.

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